Simply activate your self-healing powers with the Beosigner®
Sometimes it's the little things in life that make a big difference. This certainly applies to the Beosigner®. It is small and handy and yet a really big one
The Beosigner® works on every level - vegetative, mechanical and biochemical. Every time you use the Beosigner®, the mechanisms in your body that are important for the regulation of biological systems are activated.

Immune system
Nervous system
Cell metabolism
The Beosigner® strengthens, activates or regulates - depending on what a living being needs at the time. It speaks the language of the cell. This applies not only to humans, but to all biological systems, including animals and plants.

This theory is part of the special technology in the Beosigner®: it uses coherent light to transport relevant and effective information into the cells of living organisms. For example, in the human body.
Light is a prerequisite for life
Biophysicist Prof. Dr. Fritz-Albert Popp began studying biophotons (light in cells) in the 1970s. He put forward the following theory:
The basis of a healthy organism is functioning communication between the cells.
Communication takes place via light signals: cells use them to transport important information.
This transport is possible if the light is coherent.
Biophotons have the necessary coherence. This enables them to transmit information and thus have a regulating effect and activate self-healing powers.