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Activate your inner doctor - the BEOSIGNER® concept helps you to do this

Why you should use the Beosigner® daily on these four acupuncture points

The most incredible processes take place in our body every second. Stimuli are absorbed and processed, supplied substances are built up, converted or broken down, hormones are produced and released into the blood - to name just a few. Certain areas and systems of our body are responsible for this. And you yourself; sometimes more, sometimes less. Because many things run autonomously, i.e. independently, and that's a good thing. Our body normally knows its tasks very well. Sometimes, however, it can use a little help. For example, when we are stressed, eat unhealthy food or sleep badly. You probably know this too?

Then it's time to support our body. Vitalize the hypothalamus, pituitary gland, thymus gland and an acupuncture point in the abdomen, the so-called “sea of energy”, with the Beosigner®. These organs, or points, have a direct connection to so-called meridians, pathways in which, according to traditional Chinese medicine, life energy flows. The meridians and organs are interrelated. You can use the Beosigner® to influence certain organs and points via these meridians.

Use the Beosigner® several times a day, not only for problems but also as a preventative measure. Pay attention to the main vitalization points for a few minutes every day.

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