Activate your inner doctor - the BEOSIGNER® concept helps you to do this
Why you should use the Beosigner® daily on these four acupuncture points

The most incredible processes take place in our body every second. Stimuli are absorbed and processed, supplied substances are built up, converted or broken down, hormones are produced and released into the blood - to name just a few. Certain areas and systems of our body are responsible for this. And you yourself; sometimes more, sometimes less. Because many things run autonomously, i.e. independently, and that's a good thing. Our body normally knows its tasks very well. Sometimes, however, it can use a little help. For example, when we are stressed, eat unhealthy food or sleep badly. You probably know this too?
Then it's time to support our body. Vitalize the hypothalamus, pituitary gland, thymus gland and an acupuncture point in the abdomen, the so-called “sea of energy”, with the Beosigner®. These organs, or points, have a direct connection to so-called meridians, pathways in which, according to traditional Chinese medicine, life energy flows. The meridians and organs are interrelated. You can use the Beosigner® to influence certain organs and points via these meridians.
Use the Beosigner® several times a day, not only for problems but also as a preventative measure. Pay attention to the main vitalization points for a few minutes every day.
Would you like to do something about your allergies or intolerances?
An allergy is a false reaction of the immune system. It classifies a harmless substance as dangerous and fights it.
In the case of an intolerance, the immune system is not involved. In this case, it is usually a matter of the utilization of one or more ingredients of a food being disturbed.
More and more people are affected by allergies or intolerances. They react to house dust, animal hair, pollen, lactose, gluten, wheat, peanuts, eggs or many other substances. Those who suffer from lactose intolerance or gluten intolerance, for example, are often restricted in their everyday lives and find it difficult to go to restaurants.
It is estimated that every fourth or even every third person in Germany suffers from allergies (20-30 million people). And the trend is rising.
It is possible to treat allergies with so-called hyposensitization. This means that the immune system is trained to no longer react hypersensitively to a substance that is harmless in itself. This is done using drops, tablets or injections. Hyposensitization usually takes three years. A long period that many people are happy to accept in order to enjoy their lives again without any worries. In fact, it can also be quicker.
The BEOSIGNER®: useful for allergies and intolerances through informed light
Show your body how it works. Guide its reactions back onto the right track - and relieve it in the process. The Beosigner® offers you two different options. These depend on the allergen or the ingredient that triggers intolerances.
The Beosigner® sends informed light into the cells of an organism (human, animal, plant). This information helps to regulate the cells. In this way, you can alleviate the dysregulation of an allergy. This also applies to a utilization disorder in the case of intolerance.

House dust or pollen
Vitalize your thymus gland, which is so important for your immune system to decouple the triggers of allergies. This will help your immune system to correct the body's own reaction processes and significantly reduce the dysregulation of allergies.
This method works well if you come into contact with an allergen through the air or environment. Decoupling originates from traditional Chinese medicine. We have transferred the proven method from acupuncture to the Beosigner®.
The BEOSIGNER®: like acupuncture without needles
Traditional Chinese medicine has known acupuncture for over 2,000 years. Acupuncture is based on the assumption that energy circulates in the body, which has an influence on all bodily functions. This takes place via the so-called meridians, invisible networks of pathways that you can imagine as an energy transport system. For example, the meridians connect all organ systems with each other. There are therapeutically effective points along the meridians: If the energy flow in the body is disturbed, acupuncture helps with needles and thus resolves disturbances.
Traditionally, acupuncture involves the insertion of fine needles. Usually by a doctor or therapist. You can also benefit from the effects of acupuncture without needles. Quite simply, conveniently and at home: with the Beosigner®.
Here we give you a brief insight into acupuncture. You are welcome to find out more for yourself, as there are various approaches and a great deal of knowledge in this field.
Acupuncture points: Body areas, organs, complaints
On the diagrams below you can see some acupuncture points on the ears, hands and feet. These points represent specific areas of the body, organs or complaints. Apply the Beosigner® specifically to the corresponding points to strengthen areas and organs or reduce discomfort. The Beosigner® works on all areas of the skin, as every cell in the body is sensitive to light. However, applying it to the acupuncture points increases its effectiveness as it reaches the interconnected meridians.
And even if you don't have any acute complaints, the Beosigner® will help you. Treat the four basic vitalization points preventively , preferably several times a day: for more health, well-being and vitality, for a stronger immune system and a higher level of performance.

Acupuncture points: Body areas, organs, complaints
On the diagrams below you can see some acupuncture points on the ears, hands and feet. These points represent specific areas of the body, organs or complaints. Apply the Beosigner® specifically to the corresponding points to strengthen areas and organs or reduce discomfort. The Beosigner® works on all areas of the skin, as every cell in the body is sensitive to light. However, applying it to the acupuncture points increases its effectiveness as it reaches the interconnected meridians.
And even if you don't have any acute complaints, the Beosigner® will help you. Treat the four basic vitalization points preventively , preferably several times a day: for more health, well-being and vitality, for a stronger immune system and a higher level of performance.

Acupuncture points: Body areas, organs, complaints
On the diagrams below you can see some acupuncture points on the ears, hands and feet. These points represent specific areas of the body, organs or complaints. Apply the Beosigner® specifically to the corresponding points to strengthen areas and organs or reduce discomfort. The Beosigner® works on all areas of the skin, as every cell in the body is sensitive to light. However, applying it to the acupuncture points increases its effectiveness as it reaches the interconnected meridians.
And even if you don't have any acute complaints, the Beosigner® will help you. Treat the four basic vitalization points preventively , preferably several times a day: for more health, well-being and vitality, for a stronger immune system and a higher level of performance.

Acupuncture points: Body areas, organs, complaints
On the diagrams below you can see some acupuncture points on the ears, hands and feet. These points represent specific areas of the body, organs or complaints. Apply the Beosigner® specifically to the corresponding points to strengthen areas and organs or reduce discomfort. The Beosigner® works on all areas of the skin, as every cell in the body is sensitive to light. However, applying it to the acupuncture points increases its effectiveness as it reaches the interconnected meridians.
And even if you don't have any acute complaints, the Beosigner® will help you. Treat the four basic vitalization points preventively , preferably several times a day: for more health, well-being and vitality, for a stronger immune system and a higher level of performance.

Food quality - and the consequences for the body
Food. This name fits well, because we need these means to (survive). Food includes drinking water and food. And the term food makes it clear: what we eat nourishes us. In other words, it provides our body with nutrients - so that it functions and serves us well.
What plays a major role here is the quality of the food on offer, which is not always good. This is often due to the use of pesticides (e.g. plant protection products), contamination by nitrates, genetically modified plants or pathogens. The more sensitive a person is, the more likely they are to react to negative influences - from poor quality food, cosmetics or medicines. Possible consequences are intolerances, digestive problems or nutrient deficiencies.
So what should we do?

With more biophotons for more bioavailability
As soon as we eat, our metabolism kicks in. Ingested substances are built up, converted or broken down into various products in the body. This works best when the substances are readily available: How quickly can they be absorbed into the bloodstream and to what extent? This availability is called bioavailability. And this can be increased with biophotons.
Every organism produces biophotons, i.e. light energy. Their high information content reorganizes cells, or to be more precise: it returns the cells to their ideal state. This is possible because biophotons are coherent light, i.e. light with a high degree of order.

Harmful influences and how they can be minimized
If an organism is exposed to harmful influences (such as those described above), disorder arises and energy decreases. In science, this is also referred to as chaos or entropy.
The solution: we increase order and energy by increasing the concentration of biophotons and relevant information. The physicist and Nobel Prize winner Erwin Schrödinger said: “Man is not a car. We don't fill up with just any fuel, we fill up with 'order'.
This is exactly why we developed the Beosigner®. With its help, the production of biophotons is triggered and vitalizing information reaches the cells of organic tissues. For example, from food. Studies on the Beosigner® prove this. To summarize:
Food contains biophotons.
Biophotons are important for the bioavailability of nutrients in food.
Harmful influences can reduce the number of biophotons. They can also distort cell information.
This increases the risk of reacting negatively to these foods when consumed and thus weakening the organism.
The Beosigner® stimulates the production of biophotons in foods and sends relevant information to their cells.
Food thus becomes of higher quality and does what it is supposed to do: They nourish you.
More order in food for more life

Die Ordnung, von der wir sprechen, können wir im Labor sichtbar machen. Das Schweizer Labor LifevisionLab, Forschungs-Labor für ganzheitliche Lebensmittel-Qualität, hat dazu Proben einer Gurke miteinander verglichen (Gurke aus dem Discounter, herkömmliche Landwirtschaft). Eine Probe wurde mit dem Beosigner® vitalisiert, die andere nicht.

Die Ordnung, von der wir sprechen, können wir im Labor sichtbar machen. Das Schweizer Labor LifevisionLab, Forschungs-Labor für ganzheitliche Lebensmittel-Qualität, hat dazu Proben einer Gurke miteinander verglichen (Gurke aus dem Discounter, herkömmliche Landwirtschaft). Eine Probe wurde mit dem Beosigner® vitalisiert, die andere nicht.
More sport for more vitality?
In principle, it's quite simple: sport is good for you and is healthy. We have all read, seen or heard this a thousand times. We also know that it doesn't have to be high-performance sport - exercise is the key word. A brisk walk, for example. And even for that, many of us simply don't have the energy.
The solution: more vitality for more sport
You read that right, we simply turn the tables. First the necessary vitality, then the exercise.
This is made possible by the Beosigner® technique , which is based on quantum physics. It establishes a direct link between the concentration of biophotons, their coherence, their information content and the living cells and their energy.
The formula is therefore: more biophotons with the right information = more power. And this also applies to exercise and sport.

More pleasure in and through sport
With the Beosigner® you can increase your physical performance, among other things. But not only that. It also works on a mental and emotional level. And that's important: Because all three levels play a role if you want to do sport.
Experience for yourself how sport affects you physically and mentally. The following effects are possible, for example: You become stronger and more enduring, strengthen your immune system and become more relaxed. Another thing you should not underestimate is the enjoyment factor. You will enjoy exercise and its positive effects - and in this way create even more joy, more vitality and health for your life.
Study: the BEOSIGNER® for athletes
This was investigated: The effects of the Beosigner® on the vegetative regulation and regeneration of athletes. Institutes conducting the study: Institute for Sports Science and Health Management (ISGM, Meppen), Institute for Sleep Medicine and Interdisciplinary Sleep Research (ISIS, Münster).
The results of the study show, among other things, an improvement in regeneration. This can be recognized by the:
Significant improvement in vital signs, stress reactivity.
Significant increase in the phase angle. This is regarded as a barometer for vitality and the ability of cells to regenerate.
Significantly improved heart rate variability (HRV; an indicator of regeneration and relaxation).
Personal assessment of general well-being.
Take a look at the summary of the study. Study leaders Dr. Gerd Rosenberg and Dr. N. Kröhnoff have more exciting insights in store for you.
Sounds surprising, but it's true: stress in itself is not a negative thing.
Wie wir uns fühlen, ob gut oder nicht so gut, ist eine andere Sache. Stress kann zum Beispiel beflügelnd wirken. Er holt die letzten Meter aus Ihnen, wenn Sie Marathon laufen. Er sorgt dafür, dass Sie Abgabetermine im Büro einhalten oder dass Kinder für den nächsten Test in der Schule lernen.
Stress can be managed
Stress is not bad or even threatening if you can cope with it. If you and your body can use strategies and resources to deal with stress and tension. In other words, if you don't feel stressed over a long period of time and are completely exhausted at some point.
That's why it's always good to know where you currently stand in terms of stress. Ask yourself the following questions:
What is stressing me out?
How does my body react to it?
When is it too much stress for me?
When does it make me feel ill?
What can I do to feel better?

Stress can be managed
Stimulate your thymus gland with the Beosigner®. It is an important part of your immune system because T lymphocytes are produced there.
When the informed light from the Beosigner® hits the thymus gland, studies have shown that the following happens:
The energy level in the cells of the thymus gland increases.
Biophysical processes and the exchange of information throughout the body are optimized.
Blockages can be released.
Organs are supported in their function.
Even better equipped against stress: with the BeoKeys Power and Stability
Use not only the Beosigner®, but also the two BeoKeys Power and Stability in stressful situations - and also as a preventative measure. The BeoKey Power was specially designed for challenging situations and transmits finely tuned information that buffers stressful stimuli like a lightning rod. The BeoKey Stability strengthens your mental balance and leads you to greater inner peace.
The BEOSIGNER® makes water high quality
Wie wir uns fühlen, ob gut oder nicht so gut, ist eine andere Sache. Stress kann zum Beispiel beflügelnd wirken. Er holt die letzten Meter aus Ihnen, wenn Sie Marathon laufen. Er sorgt dafür, dass Sie Abgabetermine im Büro einhalten oder dass Kinder für den nächsten Test in der Schule lernen.
The relevance of water for life
No life without water. At least not in the forms we know.
Use water as your most important and most loyal ally! You'll be doing yourself a big favor. Water dissolves toxins and cleanses the body if it is of the right quality, for example healing water quality. The less polluted an organism is, the more vital it is. Many cultures have known this for thousands of years.
All living organisms have a water balance, i.e. the uptake and release of water. In fact, the main component of living cells is water: Water. The same applies to organs and body fluids. The logical consequence of this is that we humans are largely made up of water. This proportion changes depending on age, gender and weight. Depending on age, an adult consists of 50-80% water.
Water carries nutrients and oxygen to all organs, muscles and other cells. When we excrete water via the kidneys, intestines, lungs or skin, this water also transports harmful substances out of our body.

What does high-quality water look like?
Water that is taken directly from a spring has a higher physical quality than tap water, for example. This is even visible in its structure.
The Hagalis laboratory has carried out a study on this subject. Hagalis crystal analysis makes it possible to determine the quality and healing properties of water samples. For the study, the institute examined water of different qualities before and after treatment with the Beosigner®.
The pictures clearly show that the vitalized water (picture 2) has a physical structure similar to that of healing water. The water crystals are arranged like ferns. Compare this structure with the grid-like structure in picture 1, which is typical of drinking water of inferior quality.
This significant improvement was consistently seen in all the water tested after treatment with Beosigner®.

Wasserprobe vor der Vitalisierung (400-fach vergrößert)

Water sample after vitalization (enlarged 400 times)
Investigating the effect of vitalized water
There are studies that prove how effective water that has been vitalized with the Beosigner® is.
In 2018, the Institute for Sports Science and Health Management (ISGM, Meppen), in collaboration with the Institute for Sleep Medicine and Interdisciplinary Sleep Research (ISIS, Münster), investigated for us what effects vitalized water has on the vegetative regulation and regeneration of athletes.
In 2019, we commissioned the Institute for Cell Biology Test Systems, Dartsch Scientific, to find out what effect vitalized water has on cell cultures.
You can find out more about these studies and summaries of the results on the Studies page.
Vitalize water - outside and inside your body
Water is our most important means of life, our most important food. It makes up a large part of our body. This applies to many organisms, not just humans.
Sodrink enough water, ideally vitalized water. Also treat all food and care products with the Beosigner® - you will benefit from it in several ways.
Treat your water with the Beosigner® for at least 15 to 30 seconds. Treat dry food and cosmetics for at least 60 seconds.
That simple? Yes, that simple!

How to strengthen yourself mentally level
Using Beosigner® plus BeoKey: individual application to strengthen yourself mentally
With the Beosigner® and BeoKeys, the Beosigner® concept includes products for strengthening the physical and mental levels. You can exert a targeted influence on various mental areas by selecting and using the BeoKey that is right for you.
Perform the basic application with the Beosigner®: Vitalize basic vitalization points
Wait two to three minutes, drink a glass of vitalized water and insert the selected BeoKey into the Beosigner®
Vitalize the point assigned to the inserted BeoKey for 60 seconds
If you want to use several BeoKeys in succession, please always wait two to three minutes before using the next BeoKey.